Orlando, here I come

Testing isn’t just a party at the beach

Training Time

So here I am, Orlando, FL. The Sunshine state, and I get to spend my whole time here training rooms.

I arrived in Orlando, last night to spend the next 6 days learning about testing and what my job means. I get to learn from others, see what they are doing and just get a better overall understanding of how to bring a department of developers up to the place where they can test.

I will share my next 5 days of training at StarEast from sunny Orlando.

Day 1 & 2

Agile Tester Certification

This sounds like what I need to see how testing will fit in with Miami, as we start down this road of QA and being more Agile.

Day 3

Testing Under Pressure: A Case for Session-Based Test Management

What is Session-Based test management? Is this something I can use at Miami.

The nature of exploration, coupled with the ability of testers to rapidly apply their skills and experience, make exploratory testing a widely-used test approach—especially when time is short. Unfortunately, exploratory testing is often dismissed by project managers who assume that it is not reproducible, measurable, or accountable.

Day 3

How Testers Master Git and GitHub

We are just switching over to GIT, are their tips and tricks that will help us? How can I integrate testing into the git process?

Today’s testers need to learn about and use GitHub, too. Join Wilson Mar as he examines the major GitHub repositories testers should know about. In this hands-on tutorial, you’ll learn why and how GitHub is being used for most open source projects and many private projects.