Selenium Conference 2017 -Austin

Brief summary of what I learned from Selenium Conf 2017

Continuing into the World of learning new things

Back in my developer days I checked out Selenium, but from what I learned at the conference, that was back in their infant days. From what I saw at the conference Selenium has come a long way and it has only just begun.

Pre-Conference Workshop

I was lucky enough to be able to attend a pre-conference workshop on getting started with Selenium. Some basic stuff was covered but it was a real good overview and very helpful on getting started with Selenium. Giving me a good hand on the keys experience. It was in Java but it was enough to wet my appetite, and will cause me to checkout what I can do with Selenium more.

Sessions, Sessions everywhere

For me this was definately a drinking from a firehose experience. Being so green in my selenium knowledge, everyone I talked to knew more then me and was willing to share what they have done, and of course share things I shouldn’t do.


I am in an interesting position at Miami, I am new to a position and the position is new to Miami. So we have very little established and so many places we can grow. This is exciting and scary all at the same time.

I hope to share more as time goes on, as we develop our testing culture and grow to be a better organization @ Miami.