
How to ‘go to a conference’ in your Pajamas

Online Conferences

Virtual Conferences aren’t a new thing, well at least not anymore. Since the beginning of the lockdown, everyone has started the whole WFH stuff. But, what if you are a organization that does conferences? You would think that doing conferences ‘online’ is a new thing, but there is a group that began back in that has been running their conferences fully online, since 2016. They don’t just do this once a year, nope, they decided semi-annually is the best way to do it. So this May will be the 10th OnlineTestConf! Conference.

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So check them out, I’ve been watching the online conference sessions for a few years now and they are usually pretty good. I only imagine that the sessions this year will be just as good.

So head on over to OnlineTestConf let me know what you think. I just signed up and think that you should check it out.

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