18 Months in review

So many things have happend in the past 18 months but this site is not one of them

Where has the time gone

So the second half of 2019 and most of 2020 have flown by. I haven’t written a thing on this site. I had been using this site as a place to share thoughts and ideas about conferences and the learning process I have been going through. I wanted to let the few people who might check out this site that I am still working along with the quality effort at Miami and we are slowly making progress.

Changes can be good but hard

We have had gone through many changes at Miami within the organization and so I have been rethinking my role as a Quality Assurance Analyst. I want to gather my thoughts a bit more and hope to share some of how I see my role and our role as Quality people.

Keep on pushing through it

While we may feel like we are trying to walk through wet sand, I want to encourage everyone that we are making changes and even it doesn’t seem like it, every little step, helps us move our change a little farther.