Searching for knowledge

Making google work for you, the Software Testing Club & The Ministry of Testing

Where to start

As a techie, when you have a question where do you start? Google of course.

So I took to googling everything.

You name it I probably tried to search on it. Now this wasn’t a one day affair, I mean I probably took several days googing things and going down rabbit holes and rabbit holes until I started to find sites that were useful and provided me with some information that was useful.

I believe that I First stumbled upon the Software Testing Club. There are a lot of resources on their pages. There is a good user forum, that I hope to get more involved with in the near future, but for now I amd gleaning insight based upon the info I can find there.

From their I stumbled upon the Ministry of Testing(MOT). There was something about the concept of “The Ministry of Testing” just really caught my eye, because it seemed almost like a silly made of name someone gave to them selves, but as I started reading, there were a variety of posts and a whole lot of information. They were probably the first site I signed up for their newsletter and started getting more and more info about what the MOT was and what they were all about.

From those emails I have found out about a lot more events, training, conferences, etc. It was a great place to start. To be honest I was a little disapointed that they were in England, nothing against being from England its just that it might be a hard sell to get my boss to send me to one of their conferences, they call a Test Bash but maybe I’ll be able to swing it but it might take a few years. Atleast they have created a TestBash Philadelphia, this one might be close enough I could go, we’ll see.