Don Kidd

Code Contributions

As I am transitioning into being a QA guy that breaks code and helps everyone else write better code, I am still a developer. I have to write code. There is something in me that says I have to create things, so to that end I have created and contributed the following code. I wrote it cause I needed it, maybe someone else needs it too and now they won’t have to write it cause I did.

Behat Extensions

Counter String for Alfred

James Bach, describes counter strings as follows:

“A counterstring is a graduated string of arbitrary length. No matter where you are in the string, you always know the character position. This comes in handy when you are pasting huge strings into fields and they get truncated at a certain point. You want to know how many characters that is.”

I liked the idea of a Counter String and since I work on a Mac and I love using Alfred, I wanted to create something that would allow me to generate a counter string with just a few key strokes, so with that in mind I set off to determine how to make a Alfred workflow and the how to release it into the wild for others to use.